
Ana Tajadura-Jiménez

Ana Tajadura-Jiménez is an associate professor at the DEI Interactive Systems Group, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. She leads the i_mBODY lab ( focused on interactive, multisensory, body-centered experiences, at the intersection between the fields of HCI and neuroscience. She is principal investigator of the MagicOutFit and the BODYinTRANSIT projects. [email protected]

Body x Materials @ CHI: Exploring the intersections of body and materiality in a full-day workshop

Posted: Wed, January 03, 2024 - 2:31:00

During the 2023 CHI conference, we ran a one-day workshop to consider the design space at the intersection of the body and materials [1]. The workshop gathered designers, makers, researchers, and artists to explore current theories, approaches, methods, and tools that emphasize the critical role of materiality in body-based interactions with technology. We were motivated by developments in HCI and…